Tag Archives: baron fang

BTL Radio Podcast: QA Tools

Hello Enthusiacs! This week I finally decided to rant on the tools used on testing, including one particular pain in my backside… Fortunately Baron Fang helped to keep the conversation from devolving into frothing madness…  But that’s not all.  Baron

BTL Radio Podcast: Sunsetting Games

Hello Enthusiacs! This week we have Damon back to join Baron Fang and myself to discuss the topic we touched on last time Damon was here, what goes into sunsetting a game. For those not in the know, sunsetting is

BTL Radio Podcast: Managing Personality as a Product, and JonTron

Hello Everyone. Recently some Youtube drama came alongside video games when game youtuber JonTron had a politcally charged debate with fellow youtuber Destiny. This week on BTL Radio, we aren’t discussing the politics at play here, but rather how to