Tag Archives: free to play

BTL Radio Podcast: Tekken 7 and Headline News

Hello Enthusiacs! Tekken 7 is out and being a big fan, we start off the show discussing that. However there’s also been a lot of news coming out over the past few weeks.  Looks like I picked a hell of

BTL Radio Podcast: Sunsetting Games

Hello Enthusiacs! This week we have Damon back to join Baron Fang and myself to discuss the topic we touched on last time Damon was here, what goes into sunsetting a game. For those not in the know, sunsetting is

Point Streak Podcast: Warframe

Point Streak returns to the topic of a specific game, this week a notable example of the free-to-play genre, Warframe.  What makes it unique?  Is its success due to it difficulty in being precisely categorized among other online games?  Is

BTL Radio Podcast: Whales and Dealing with Them

As you may know, free to play games live or die based on whales.  Whales are, of course, the big spending customers that free to play games often rely on to keep the enterprise solvent.  Not long ago, Brandon Sheffield

Behind the Line: In defense of Free to Play (Part 2)

This week, we covered how Free to Play impacts the install base and what that means for monetization, as well as what removing the payment cap means for both the company and the player.   Games as a service I

Point Streak Podcast: Mobile Games

Point Streak ventures into a different gaming frontier this time, with a look at Mobile Games.  What was once the domain of purely “casual” experiences is becoming a more important platform over time.  What does that hold in store for

Behind the Line: In defense of Free to Play (Part 1)

I’ve spoken about free to play before, but I keep seeing more and more about it from vocal players and even from people in the industry.  I need to speak more on the topic, both the good and the bad

Point Streak Podcast: Free to Play

Point Streak for 2015 is here, and the topic is the Free to Play business model in gaming.  Is it here to stay? Has it changed the gaming landscape? Listen in as Jeff, Greg and Nick discuss the current state

Koobismo Interview: Game Connoisseur


For folks who haven’t been to your site, could you describe what it’s all about? It’s been a few things over the past two years, though primarily a publication venue for the Marauder Shields series, an ongoing webcomic offering an