Tag Archives: Hype

The Hype Train: Fun or Damaging?

hype fallout 3 4

I am guilty. As a lifelong gamer, I should know better, but I repeat: I am guilty. Guilty of succumbing to the hype train of future video games over and over again. But is this necessarily a bad thing? I’m

Behind the Line: The Last Guardian Hype


The Last Guardian has a release date, and it’s getting closer. Close enough to generate that little tingle of anticipation, and for the hype wave to crest. I spoke about hype for No Man’s Sky already, but this one is

Behind the Line: No Man’s Sky High Hype


At long last, No Man’s Sky is upon us, and it has been met with wildly differing reactions.  The center of the bell-curve, though, is a resounding “meh”. I am a little confused, myself, about what people were expecting.  Don’t

Gaming Journey: Destiny

On this step of the gaming journey we ask ourselves a very important question. Is Destiny all hype? The answer in short is yes and no. Is this the mind expanding, life changing, first person halo killer it was billed to

Mind The Hype: Recent Fads & Trends In Gaming

Wait, Was That *Supposed* To Happen? You know, it’s interesting how thirty years ago the very notion that video gaming was a passing, failed fad seems laughable today. But to be honest, if it hadn’t been for the timely arrival