Tag Archives: multiplayer

Point Streak Podcast – Star Wars Battlefront 2 Controversy

Point Streak goes super topical this week and discusses the Star Wars Battlefront 2 launch and its attendant controversies.  IS EA up to pay-to-win loot box money-grubbing chicanery or is this just an overreaction on the part of gamers?  How

The Attic: Dead By Daylight vs. Friday The 13th

friday 13th vs dead by daylight

Welcome to The Attic! Let’s have a horror smack-down! I’ve spent a couple of weeks playing both Dead by Daylight and Friday the 13th, and my opinion on which is better may surprise you. While they look very similar from

First Contact: A Planetary Annihilation Review

Publisher: – Uber Entertainment/Digital Release (On Steam and Ubernet) Developer: – Uber Entertainment Platform: – PC (Vista 64 Bit or better), Mac (OS X 10.7 64 bit or better), Linux (Mainstream Distros, 64 bit OS) Genre: – Real Time Strategy

Point Streak Podcast: Multiplayer

This episode of Point Streak talks all about Multiplayer gaming.  What makes for a great multiplayer experience?  How much has it evolved from the early days of console and PC gaming to the present?  Why is it so often that single-player