Tag Archives: WiiU

Behind the Line: Nintendo Switch Reveal


The gaming is abuzz about the Nintendo Switch reveal, and rightfully so. It’s a new console, not one of these half upgrades that Microsoft and Sony have done. It’s also Nintendo, and anything Nintendo does commands attention. Sure, their fortunes

Point Streak Podcast: Nintendo’s Future

Welcome listeners to another Point Streak.  This episode is devoted to discussion and speculation on the direction Nintendo will head next.  What is the NX?  Is the WiiU headed for an early grave?  And what of all the mobile development talk?  Jeff, Nick and Vernon

Point Streak Podcast: 8th Generation Consoles

Point Streak returns to the present day, with a new episode on a topic so current you can smell the freshness.  The Xbox One, PS4 and WiiU are the combatants of the 8th Generation of gaming consoles…and where do they