Tag Archives: playthrough

Dawn of War: Dark Crusade!

Dark Crusade

The Dark Crusade has begun! Battle brothers! The planet of Kronus holds relics of great import to the chapter! We must claim the planet and purge it of any alien or heretic presence if we are to be victorious! For

Resident Evil: Zero Playthrough!

Resident Evil

Resident Evil: Zero has us go back to the beginning…by going back to before the beginning with a real beginning! Featuring an operatic bishonen who controls giant leeches with the power of music, young S.T.A.R.S. operative Rebecca Chambers must team

Resident Evil 2 Remake! – Let’s Play

Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 2 is about up and coming rookie police officer Leon Kennedy. He’s about to have the worst of hazings on his first day on the job. Resident Evil 2 is a survival horror game developed and published by

One Shot LP – Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn


Shaq is gonna have to dunk all over a bunch of random enemies Double Dragon style! Can he do it? Let’s find out. As with all One Shot LPs, if you’d like to see it become a full-blown LP just

Papers, Please – Let’s Play – Glory To Arstotzka


Papers, Please is the dystopian tale of a border inspector trying to make it through life day by day and having to inspect the paperwork of every aspiring immigrant to the glorious nation of Arstotzka. Hopeful families, smugglers, and terrorists

Darksiders III LP!

Darksiders III

Darksiders III is the continuation of the Darksiders franchise in the third parallel story to the first game that details the story of the third Horseman of the Apocalypse, Fury. Going by her name I’m going to assume that she’s

Dead Space 2 – Let’s Play!

Dead Space 2

Dead Space 2 continues the tale of poor Isaac Clarke, who once again finds himself trapped in space in the middle of a Necromorph infestation. In this playthrough, we’ll see if we can’t cut, slice and stomp harder than ever

Dawn of War 1 Campaign Playthrough!

Dawn of War

We take a trip to the first Dawn of War game, set in war torn future of the 41st Millennium, where the blood is for the blood god and the milk is for the Khorne Flakes. The planet is Tartarus,

The Legend of Korra Re-Playthrough!

The Legend of Korra

Once upon a time I actually did play The Legend of the Korra on the channel, back when it first came out in 2014. While I enjoyed the game and even ended up playing it an additional four times as part

Ghostbusters (2009) Playthrough

It’s time to bust some ghosts with the 2009 Ghostbusters video game! As a true professional, we naturally decide to tackle these ghosts on Professional Mode, and what better way to start than with a rookie joining the iconic team