Category Archives: Behind the Line

Behind the Line: No Mercy is the best wrestling game ever


WhatCulture had a video of Simon Miller talking about the greatest wrestling game, which is obviously WWF No Mercy on the Nintendo 64. (Yes, WWF applies since they hadn’t changed the name yet) While I agree with the conclusion, as

Behind the Line: WWE Network and Analytics


The other day I started watching the WWE network on my phone, and I noticed something curious, it required the location service to be on to feed you any video. WWE Network is a premium video streaming service, though, so

Behind the Line: Localization of Akiba’s Beat


“Localization is not just translation” This is what Lorenzo said last week on BTL Radio as I brought up Tom Lipschultz and the dust up surrounding him and his work on Akiba’s Beat. Since I’ve spoken about the nuance of

Behind the Line: Bullying in the WWE, victim blaming, and JBL


This week Behind the Line isn’t going to be offering any industry insight, or even talking about video games. Instead, we’re talking about bullies and Pro Wrestling. The Story It shouldn’t be too surprising that there can be practical jokes

Behind the Line: Your ISP selling your history?


I’m not one to wax political here, but the recent rule changes to allow Internet Service Providers to sell your data has smacked me in the face with so much misinterpretation right where I live that I want to set

Behind the Line: Kickstarter games turn 10,000


Last week Kickstarter announced that they have hit a milestone of 10,000 video game projects funded. Nevermind that there’s also 1500 mobile video game projects, promoting a false dichotomy where mobile games are not presented as video games, even though

Behind the Line: Localizing Controls, why is the back button different on the Switch?


It’s a short shot this week. Yours truly has been crazy busy with work, but in the hazy blur of activity I noticed this.   And it reminded me of a topic I’ve spoken of before. Yes, here we have

Behind the Line: Berserk, and the challenge of adaptation


If you hadn’t noticed, I’m a fan of Berserk. The game Berserk: The Band of the Hawk is finally out to overwhelming reviews of “… yeah, it’s OK”. This is not the first, or even the second Berserk game, though. 

Behind the Line: VR Roundup 2016


2016, the year the public finally started to experience VR en masse.   VR, the great experiment, saddled with great expectations This year, we greeted VR with enthusiasm and joy. One of the promises of the future was finally coming

Behind the Line: 4 Video Game Failures That Were Actually Ahead of their Time


Sometimes an idea comes in so far ahead of its time that the market, or the technology simply isn’t ready to support it. That doesn’t mean that the idea is a bad one, though. Today I want to take a