Category Archives: Nostalgia Fever

Nostalgia Fever: Shantae: Half Genie Hero

Shantae Half Genie Hero is a new, highly anticipated game from Wayforward. Starring Shantae the eponymous half-genie heroine, players follow her in her never-ending guardian duties of Scuttle Town against Risky Boots, the four Barons, and many more enemies. The

Freedom Planet (Nostalgia Fever)

Happy Be-lated New Year, Everyone! For my New Year resolution, I’m going to start posting reviews here again, and I’ll start with one of my favorite new games on my Steam account: Freedom Planet, GalaxyTrail’s answer to the good old

Nostalgia Fever: Star Fox Adventures

I mentioned before in my last review I would go over Star Fox Adventures, so I might as well go over just that. Just for reference, Star Fox Adventures is for the Nintendo Gamecube, released several years after Star Fox