Tag Archives: Dr. Doom

Why do the Fantastic Four Always SUCK?

Hello my name is Vega Goose and I’m here to ask and answer one simple question. Why do the Fantastic Four always suck? Even if you enjoy their early outing you have to admit that these are extremely subpar superhero

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer Review

  In his first review of 2015 Vega Goose takes a look at the movie that not only killed the franchise but also stalled the marvel cinematic universe. Today we’re looking at Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer. Next

PS4 Review: Lego Marvel Super Heroes

Avengers Assembly Required Magneto: You come to my lovely Asteroid M, but I don’t get a house-warming gift? Thor: I say thee….. NAY! Iron Man: Good luck magnetizing Thor’s god-hammer. Oh, and I’ve demagnetized my armor just for this occasion.