Tag Archives: GamerGate

I Became A Gamer

My Fellow Gamers; It’s getting a little heated out there isn’t it? A lot of accusations are being thrown around. A lot of negativity is starting to wear on a lot of people. Unethical journalists. Misogynistic gamers. Secretive group think

Point Streak Podcast: Gaming Journalism

Welcome once again to Point Streak.  It was inevitable that we were going to do a podcast on the subject of Gaming Journalism here at Enthusiacs.com.  Indeed, the team has already been weighing in since the recent controversies exploded with

GamerGate and Choice

There are many different opinions as to why GamerGate started. Is it because of the so called Social Justice Warrior? Is it because of the creeping political agenda in gaming? Is it because of corruption of ideology? Well, it’s all

What “Games as an Art Form” Has Wrought

Anyone that has been paying attention to the #Gamergate issue swirling around at the moment is aware of two different and at times competing narratives coming from supporters of the cause.  One centres on the displeasure from gamers about the

Civil War: Game Journalism and Gamers

There’s Nothing Civil About It We are at war. Make no mistake; we are taking sides. As people rally behind ideals and banners, beat their swords against the proverbial shields and taunt and jeer from one side or the other,