Tag Archives: Godus

BTL Radio Podcast: News Grab Bag and Discussion

Hello Enthusiacs!  Sometimes we have news stories that are big and can take a long time to discuss, but sometimes there are other stories that are worth discussing, but don’t take so long.  So, this week Marco joins Kynetyk to

Behind the Line: News Grab Bag


Every so often, a small news topic comes up that I want to talk about, but isn’t enough for an article, or a small development happens on something I talked about.  Rather than keeping everything bottled up forever, we’ve hit

Behind the Line: Peter Molyneux and Godus

Yes, Daikatana is funny all by itself, and we may be witnessing the birth of the next version of the joke right now… Godus   What’s the story here?  The short version is that in 2012 Peter Molyneux started a