Tag Archives: GOG

Behind the Line: GOG and Sean Halliday


GOG community manager Sean Halliday was fired last week for several high profile missteps on their Twitter account. My reaction: "He claims that while he’s sorry for the two inflammatory Tweets he sent there was never anything malicious behind them." That

BTL Radio Podcast: Goodbye Greenlight, hello Direct

Hello Enthusiacs! Lorenzo returns to discuss the changes coming to Steam Greenlight, namely Steam Direct, and as usual we look at it from an angle that most coverage doesn’t take. After that, we also discuss localization once again, given the

Point Streak Podcast: Stacks of Shame

Point Streak is back with an episode dedicated to a shameful topic: Stacks of Shame.  As buying games becomes ever more convenient, with each click of the button our personal backlog of titles grows.  How does it happen?  How to

Freedom Planet (Nostalgia Fever)

Happy Be-lated New Year, Everyone! For my New Year resolution, I’m going to start posting reviews here again, and I’ll start with one of my favorite new games on my Steam account: Freedom Planet, GalaxyTrail’s answer to the good old