Tag Archives: Hulk

Let’s Play – Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2!


Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 is here! …Time to fight our way through ineffectual hordes of minions and wait why does this sound familiar to the movies… Anyway! This video game adaptation of Civil War (the comic, not the movie) pits

Hero Talk Podcast – Marvel’s The Avengers

Hey there, Enthusiacs! You’ve waited for it long enough. On this episode, Judge Greg assembles the Marvel team for the big one: Marvel’s The Avengers. powered by podcast garden The link to stream or download the MP3 format is: Hero

VGS: Avengers Age of Ultron

Ani MAY goes on break for a week so we can discuss the monster hit that is Avengers Age of Ultron. Is it just as good as the first or are we seeing the giant known as Marvel begin to

PS4 Review: Lego Marvel Super Heroes

Avengers Assembly Required Magneto: You come to my lovely Asteroid M, but I don’t get a house-warming gift? Thor: I say thee….. NAY! Iron Man: Good luck magnetizing Thor’s god-hammer. Oh, and I’ve demagnetized my armor just for this occasion.