Tag Archives: industry

Behind the Line: Visibility (Brigador Pt. 2)


Last time, we spoke a bit about value with video games, using Brigador as an example.  This week, I want to talk about visibility. Target Audience Whenever a developer is working on a game, one of the first questions has

Behind the Line: Lessons from Past E3 Shows


It’s E3!  That magical time of year where we get crushed under a deluge of new ads for new products.  You know, now that I write that, it underscores a flaw in the whole process.  If you release an ad

BTL Radio Podcast: Crunch time, engineers, planning, and more Alex St. John

Hello Enthusiacs!  I have returned to the airwaves, and have a new guest for you.  Eric, a video game engineer, comes to talk crunch time, Alex St. John, industry trends, and the causes of these trends.  It’s a whole new

Behind the Line: Alex St. John – revisited


Every so often a topic comes up that I won’t let go of, and right now it’s Alex St. John.  The internet exploded in uniform rejection of his VentureBeat article, and after we all got together in our rejection of

Behind the Line: Alex St. John and ‘wage slaves’


Oh boy, check out this article by Alex St. John… Game developers must avoid the ‘wage-slave’ attitude Alex St. John created quite a stir with this VentureBeat article he wrote where he chided people he described as “wage-slaves”, saying that

Behind the Line: GDC 2016


Last week at the Moscone center in San Francisco was the 2016 Game Developers Conference, and I was fortunate enough to be able to attend…  for part of a day at least.  Usually around GDC time you can see some

BTL Radio Podcast: Localization’s hidden traps

Hello Enthusiacs!  Today, our announcer Dave joins us to discuss the process of localization.  Of course a voice like that would know a thing or two about the challenges of communicating, right?  Many little details come up that you might

BTL Radio Podcast: Softlaunch, Clash Royale, and Business

Hello Enthusiacs! SuperCell has the mobile games industry abuzz with their new game Clash Roayle, currently in Softlaunch.  What is softlauch, what does it mean to the business side of the game, what does it mean to the end player,

Behind the Line: News Grab Bag


Every so often, a small news topic comes up that I want to talk about, but isn’t enough for an article, or a small development happens on something I talked about.  Rather than keeping everything bottled up forever, we’ve hit

Behind the Line: Let’s play, Sony…


I’ve long held the opinion that if you follow a field closely enough for a long enough time you’ll run into moments that show you all kinds of other things that you wouldn’t have considered a part of that field.