Tag Archives: JRPG

Arc Rise Fantasia Review

Games like Mario platformers, Pokemon ports, or shooters tend to get noticed and advertised well to gamers. As a niche fan, I always look for out of the radar from popular games. For better or worse, this leads me to

Nostalgia Fever: Tales of Symphonia

I mentioned in my Skies of Arcadia: Legends review that I had a number of favorite RPGs for the Gamecube. Tales of Symphonia was one of them, and what interested me so much in the Tales series in general. I

Nostalgia Fever: Skies of Arcadia: Legends

My favorite game system is the Playstation 2, and shall remain so because of the plethora of games during its time. Still, I do recall some fun games from other older systems, such as the Nintendo Gamecube. Super Smash Bros

Nostalgia Fever: Wild Arms 3

The fated meeting of four strangers.

Nostalgia: noun, “a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.” That’s how I feel about older game systems these days. I’m still fond of my Nintendo DS, as well