Tag Archives: mass effect 3

The Big Book of Controversies: Chapter VII

A Reckoning Cometh: Rhode Island vs. Curt Schilling 2006 – Current In 2006, shortly before his pro-baseball retirement, Red Sox pitching star Curt Schilling began delving into the video games development scene, forming his own studio Green Monster Games, which

Mass Effect 3 Review

After over two year of request Enthusiacs Reviewer Vega Goose take a look at Mass Effect 3. The game that not only saw the end of Shepard’s story, but also saw the end of many people’s love for Bioware.

Mass Effect 3: Learn and Let Go

It’s been a point of contention on the Internet, obsessively in some forums in which I’ve frequented, and to a much lesser extent on our own forums.  People still don’t like the Mass Effect 3 ending.  With recent news of

Archengeia Interview: The Rumination Don


Howdy, Enthusiacs! I found myself lost in Youtube, but alas! A wild Archengeia appeared! I tried to charge my Solar Beam, but he incapacitated me with a Tail Whip and ran off. In all seriousness, Archengeia was open to speaking