Tag Archives: OUYA

BTL Radio Podcast: News Grab Bag and Discussion

Hello Enthusiacs!  Sometimes we have news stories that are big and can take a long time to discuss, but sometimes there are other stories that are worth discussing, but don’t take so long.  So, this week Marco joins Kynetyk to

Behind the Line: News Grab Bag


Every so often, a small news topic comes up that I want to talk about, but isn’t enough for an article, or a small development happens on something I talked about.  Rather than keeping everything bottled up forever, we’ve hit

Behind the Line: Ouya, the Micro-Console That Couldn’t

Another old Kickstarter darling bites the dust.  Ouya, the little micro-console that couldn’t, before it could, but ultimately couldn’t, is no more.  Parts of its business have been sold off to Razer.   Remember When? At first, the Ouya was