Tag Archives: Steam

The Attic: Slender: The Arrival

Welcome to The Attic, don’t look behind you. Slender: The Arrival has been on my “to play” list ever since it was released. A good friend gifted it to me during the Steam summer sale and I can’t tell you

Behind the Line: 5 truths to learn from YouTube Red

Ok, now, I know what you’re thinking.  You’re thinking “Kynetyk, you’re supposed to be writing about games.  Why are you talking about YouTube Red?”  Well, bear with me, because there are some universal truths that this whole YouTube Red thing

The Attic: Kholat

Welcome to The Attic, deep within the Ural mountains. Kholat is a game for which I had high hopes, but I finished it with mixed emotions. The game was inspired by the real life Dyatlov Pass Incident, as it is

The Attic: The Long Dark

Welcome to The Attic, how long can you survive? The Long Dark is a pretty unique game, and one I have been obsessively playing for days. As of writing this article, it is still in early access on Steam, but

The Attic: Neverending Nightmares

Welcome to The Attic, where nightmares never end. This week I’d like to talk about Neverending Nightmares. This is another Steam game that I recently purchased during a weekend sale, and it was well worth the cost of admission. This

Adventure Game Review: The Cat Lady

If there is any one genre that cemented my interest in gaming on the PC, it was adventure games.  Strategy titles, sure enough, probably consumed the highest raw number of hours, but it was the familiar Sierra-On-Line franchises that I

The Attic: Fingerbones and Serena

Welcome to The Attic, let’s play some horror games… As I mentioned before in my recent Subnautica article, I just got a new laptop that has opened a whole new world for this gamer: Steam. I have been exploring what

On Steam: Subnautica Review

Hello Enthusiacs! The Dark Princess here, talking about something a bit different: a game that ISN’T horror!! *pauses to allow for gasps in the crowd* Now, until a couple of months ago, you all knew me as a regular contributor

Consoles vs. PCs: A Foot in Both Camps

(Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Just Enjoy Gaming) In the world of gaming there are those that are not merely enthusiastic about the pastime itself, but unflinchingly loyal to the hardware on which they partake in that

Behind the Line: Steam Refunds, Part 2

Now that Steam Refunds have been with us for a little bit of time, we can look a bit closer at what they mean for everyone involved.  We have some more information, can see what might really be a problem,