Tag Archives: video

The Attic: ‘The Bunker’ Review

bunker on steam

Welcome to The Attic; remember to stick to the routine. The X-Files PC game that came out in 1998 was the first, and only other, FMV (Full Motion Video) game I had played until The Bunker last week. As a

Are Video Games A Waste Of Time?

Black Dragon muses about the implications of a society that views video games as a waste of time, but values television and movies at a higher regard. Content referenced in this video: ReviewTechUSA vid CinemaBlend article If you want to

New Batman: Arkham Knight Footage Part III

And the pre-orders are probably rising ten-fold now that the third and final Batman: Arkham City tease has been unleashed upon the world. Of course, Batman is kicking all kinds of butt, and showing what happens when people mess with his

VegaGoose Reviews: Tripping the Rift

See the video review here Today we take a look at a SYFY show from 1999 that was under a lot of people’s radar. Tripping the Rift didn’t become as popular as originally intended, but it has its merits. Does