Tag Archives: Wasteland

Fallout 76 reasons why

Hello, Enthusiacs. I am Vega Goose, your host, and I return to you know after a very long absence to discuss the latest entry into the Fallout franchise. Fallout 76 was a terrible idea from the word go. Everyone not

VGS: Fallout 4

At last we take our trip to the wasteland once again in Fallout 4. Boston Mass is our destination and this location somehow if you can believe it has even more secrets and sidequest than the last Fallout 3. Thank

Fallout 4 Playthrough

Hey there Enthusiacs! You may have been following along as we went back through Fallout 3 in preparation, but now the time has come to put the past behind us and play Fallout 4, which starts in the past! This