Tag Archives: zuko

ATLA: The Winter Solstice (Spoiler Talk)

Because this is considered a two-part event, I’ve decided to cover them together. This will be a bit different from my pilot Spoiler Talk in that I will talk about each episode one at a time. This two-part event is formally

ATLA: Imprisoned (Spoiler Talk)

Book 1: Water Chapter 6 Imprisoned WHAT HAPPENED? The group comes across a town oppressed by the Fire Nation. Earthbending is apparently forbidden, but the group comes across a boy practicing his skill in the woods. Katara encourages the boy, Haru,

ATLA – The Southern Air Temple (Spoiler Talk)

One thing I forgot to mention from the last episode is the fact that Katara and Sokka go after Aang, but don’t return to their village. Yes, they do say goodbye to Gran Gran, but wouldn’t they return after rescuing

ATLA: The Boy In The Iceberg/The Avatar Returns (Spoiler Talk)

Book 1: Water Chapters 1 and 2 The Boy in the Iceberg/ The Avatar Returns WHAT HAPPENED? Sokka and Katara, siblings from the Southern Water Tribe, are on a fishing trip when they come across an iceberg with a strange figure