Category Archives: Vega Goose Says

Vega Goose Says: Under the Skin

So what happens when you take three scripts and mix in a healthy dose of artistic integrity? The answer is the indie film “Under the Skin.” To put it simply this is a weird movie. The sad thing is I

Vega Goose Says: Journey

Time for a video game you need to play to truly understand what makes it good. Journey is a different kind of game than most. It isn’t about running and gunning, or roleplaying, or anything really. It is a simple

Vega Goose Says: Wild Wild West

What happens when you turn a serious western spy drama into a late 90’s Will Smith comedy? Let’s find out today as we review Wild Wild West.

Battlefield Hardline Review

Today on Vega Goose Says we take a look at the latest release in the battlefield series Hardline. Does it hold up to it’s brand name, or is this just a cheap cash grab? Find out today only on Vega

VGS: Willow

Today I bring you a special film. Willow is a marvel of a movie. It’s the kinda of movie that shows you sometimes Hollywood gets it right. This is a fantasy film that takes from nothing that existed before and

VGS: Mass Effect 3 Episode 1

You may have noticed I already reviewed Mass Effect 3 once however I feel it is woefully incomplete. To fully understand just what went wrong here we need to go in depth and really explore this game. Mind you this

Vega Goose Says: 50 Shades of Grey

Well this was inevitable wasn’t it. The bad movie reviews continue after a bit of a break. This movie has been called the worst movie ever made. Those people are lying. I’ll not spoil anything else so you will just

VGS: DragonBall Evolution

In 2009 it was decided that it was time for a live action DragonBall adaptation. Sadly they kinda forgot to watch the show before they wrote the script. Yeah I’m not going to let you wait to watch the video

VGS: Zapped and Zapped Again

Hello Enthusiacs I am Vega Goose and today we take a look at the cult classic Zapped and it’s less beloved sequel Zapped Again. Now the main question is does this set of films hold up? Or are they better

VGS Ani May: Lupin the 3rd: Twilight Gemini

Master thief Lupin the 3rd is back in action hot on the trail to treasure and adventure in the Secret of Twilight Gemini. The question is will you want to tag along or is this best left in the bin?