Tag Archives: android

Behind the Line: News Grab Bag


Every so often, a small news topic comes up that I want to talk about, but isn’t enough for an article, or a small development happens on something I talked about.  Rather than keeping everything bottled up forever, we’ve hit

Behind the Line: Ouya, the Micro-Console That Couldn’t

Another old Kickstarter darling bites the dust.  Ouya, the little micro-console that couldn’t, before it could, but ultimately couldn’t, is no more.  Parts of its business have been sold off to Razer.   Remember When? At first, the Ouya was

Point Streak Podcast: Mobile Games

Point Streak ventures into a different gaming frontier this time, with a look at Mobile Games.  What was once the domain of purely “casual” experiences is becoming a more important platform over time.  What does that hold in store for

The Attic: Five Nights At Freddy’s

Welcome to The Attic, don’t forget to check the cameras. Has it been a long time since you had a really good scare? Are you missing the good old days of classic funhouses and mazes where you maniacally giggle and