Tag Archives: commentary

Behind the Line: Early Access

Over the past 10-15 years, there have been a series of developments in how games are sold. In that time frame we’ve seen the mass acceptance of the subscription model, it’s apex, and its decline. We’ve seen free-to-play and Kickstarter.

Behind the Line: Cities Skylines, and Sequels

Cities Skylines was released recently to almost universally glowing reviews, and already seems to be a massive success for developer Colossal Order and publisher Paradox Interactive, selling 250k units in its first 24 hours available. It seems that the general

Behind the Line: Nintendo to Mobile, and DeNA

This last week, Nintendo made the announcement that they would begin making games for phones and tablets. This is news that seems like an inevitability for one of the longest tenured and most innovative game companies in the world, but

Behind the Line: Analytics

The Controversy People are often worried about other people violating their privacy. No one wants what is personal to them available for anyone, much less everyone to examine and scrutinize. So, the concept of a company monitoring them can be

Behind the Line: Gaming Unions

I can’t help but notice that there’s been a trend in gaming news recently covering stories of worker layoffs, studio closures, and the like. There are a number of human interest style stories on Kotaku, deeper business pieces on Gamasutra,