Tag Archives: commentary

BTL Radio Podcast: The Last Guardian

Hello Enthusiacs! At long, long, long last, The Last Guardian has been released. I have made no secret that I have been looking forward to this one, and this week I have invited a colleague who is also a fan

Behind the Line: Nintendo Switch Reveal


The gaming is abuzz about the Nintendo Switch reveal, and rightfully so. It’s a new console, not one of these half upgrades that Microsoft and Sony have done. It’s also Nintendo, and anything Nintendo does commands attention. Sure, their fortunes

Behind the Line: Apple and the Confederate Flag

For those who have been living under a rock, or perhaps are international readers, a little over a week ago there was a shooting in a church in Charleston, South Carolina.  I won’t go into the shooters particular philosophies because

Behind the Line: What is the definition of a Video Game?

What is a video game? I don’t mean that as a rhetorical question, but really, how do you, the reader, to yourself, define what makes a video game? There are so many different kinds of products sold as video games

Behind the Line: Publishers and Kickstarter, sins and virtues

It seems that the role of the Publisher is one of the more important, yet routinely misunderstood parts of the industry. With so many creators taking their series to Kickstarter to fund spiritual successors, it’s reasonable to conclude that the

Behind the Line: Nintendo and their Mobile plans

Nintendo mentioned this week that they want to dominate the mobile market. That’s both a foolhardily brave goal, and one that could be well within the reach of a company like Nintendo.   What’s New I’ve already spoken at length

Behind the Line: Paid Mods

Paid mods… A lot of things have been said about them, and as with many explosions like this there’s a lot right and a lot wrong buried in all the yelling. I think we all need to calm down and

Behind the Line: The Immaturity of the Video Game Industry

You should never underestimate the capacity for people to disappoint you. This is probably a general truth, but with regard to the games industry, I am routinely surprised at just how immature it is. I don’t just mean juvenile, although

Behind the Line: Day one downloads

For some consumers, day one downloads have become a bit of a bugbear. Some feel like the use of it is a violation of trust between the consumer and the developer. You may have found yourself asking the question “I

Behind the Line: QA myths, and what makes a good tester?

QA is a great way to enter the industry? Maybe, but many myths persist. What is true, what is false, and what makes for a good QA tester?