Tag Archives: Donkey Kong

Nintendo Switch: My Wants Vs. My Expectations

With Nintendo’s live event a little less than a day away, everyone tuning in will most likely be looking for more chunks of information about the Nintendo Switch. Since last October, anyone who saw and was intrigued by the Nintendo

ColecoVision – Old School Goodness

I’m firmly convinced that the reason I’m still such a dedicated gamer to this day has a lot to do with the quality of my early experiences. The NES, Super Nintendo or Genesis/MegaDrive were ground zero for many current enthusiasts,

Super Smash Brothers 3ds Review

Nintendo’s fighting franchise goes portable. Is it a huge success or a terrible failure? Find out today as we look at Super Smash Brothers 3ds

Gaming News in Review

There seems to be a lot of news still circling around the video game world these days.  I still don’t feel like I’m ready to comment on “#gamergate” as a whole.  I’ll probably never do that, because as a whole,