Tag Archives: playstation 4

Dying Light of Evolve

The Black Dragon returns to set fire to the popular trends of pre-order bonuses and season passes that have plagued gaming. The recent release of Dying Light and the upcoming Evolve are perfect examples of these ridiculous trends. If you

Are Exclusives Exclusive?

What makes an exclusive, and why does it seem like the gaming industry is playing it fast and loose with the term? The Black Dragon explores this in the latest episode of Dragon Rage!  

New Batman: Arkham Knight Footage

With the announcement of this game taking place over eight months ago, I find myself in an awkward position. Aside from hearing about the pre-order bonuses from different retailers, I hadn’t heard anything about this game following the pre-rendered “Father to

Will Halo 5 Save The Xbox One?

I recently watched an episode of Inside Gaming Daily on the Machinima Youtube channel. The video focused on the Master Chief Collection, sales figures for each of the Halo titles, and Halo 5. But the big question is: will Halo

Thoughts On E3 2014: Sony Press Conference

What follows are my personal thoughts on Sony at E3 2014. I welcome all thoughts and criticism regarding this year’s expo! If I can say one thing about the Electronic Entertainment Expo, it’s that the opening conferences are usually lacking.

Thoughts On E3 2014: Ubisoft Press Conference

What follows are my personal thoughts on Ubisoft at E3 2014. I welcome all thoughts and criticism regarding this year’s expo!   If I can say one thing about the Electronic Entertainment Expo, it’s that the opening conferences are usually