Tag Archives: Starkiller

Let’s Play: Star Wars The Force Unleashed II


Darth Vader apparently wasn’t satisfied with the amount of Force Unleashed by Starkiller in the first game, so he’s decided to clone the poor guy and make a second Starkiller so he can maintain his delusions of being a master

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed


The Force has awakened, but let’s go back to a time when it was much more than awake, when it was UNLEASHED! This is the story of Darth Vader’s secret apprentice Starkiller, as he sets off on a journey to

Star Wars The Force Awakens Review

Hello Enthusiacs my name is Vega Goose and if you know anything about me you will know I am a huge Star Wars fan. I have been for almost two decades. So you might have guessed I was looking forward