The Attic: Idle Hands


Hello Enthusiacs I am the Lord of Shadow and today we go back to 1999 to enter a world of horror comedy. A shockingly large genre. Back in 1999 Devon Sawa, Seth Green, Jessica Alba, and several others came together to make a dark comedy about one plot line from the sequel to the film we watched last week.

The store begins with Anton Tobias, a local stoner, finding his parents have been murdered. When he reveals this to his friends they assume he killed them and they might be next. They are correct as he does without wanting to.

This leads him to the beginning of the main plot. His hand is possessed. No like actually possessed by a serial killer. This comes from the Evil Dead 2. In fact the writer flat out said that was where this idea came from.

The comedy from this point till the 2/3rd mark is basically a more kid friendly version of Bruce Campbell’s shtick. Add into that the fact that his two friends resurrect themselves because the music in heaven was quote “gay”. Not to use a joke from my VG Spoils series but ……..weak.

In fact we take about a fifteen minute break from the horror when our ……hero goes to visit his would be girlfriend played by Alba. Brief sidebar I don’t know why you would cast someone so much older than they areĀ supposed to be but it becomes apparent in this scene that these people are clearly adults playing kids Sawa was in his early 20’s and Alba was in her late teens but both of them are supposed to be 14 or 15 as both ages are given at different points of the film. The joke here is that the hand is now apparently horny, insert your own masterbation joke here.

This brings the druid into the mix played by Vivica A. Fox. She is hunting the spirit that is within Anton’s hand. However before she can find it Anton and his friends decide if he cuts the hand off the spirit should die. This scene is actually really damn funny.

This leads to the hand going off on it’s own and the guys decide that the hand is going after Anton’s girl so the three head to school to warn her, but it’s halloween so the two dead guys fit right in lucky lucky. Anton tries to warn people about the killer hand but he is completely ignored in yet another actually funny scene.

Meanwhile Molly (Alba) is kidnapped by the hand. Yes a fully grown human is kidnapped by a hand!….WEAK, This leads to the final battle between the hand and Anton. Sadly the only injury to anything in this fight is Alba’s clothes are ripped off…….WEAK!!

Seriously all the blood and gore we have seen and this fight is completely bloodless. The battle ends with the hand being caught in a puppet and the gand blowing smoke from a bong into the puppet knocking the hand out. The druid then kills the hand while it’s out and leaves Anton gets Alba out of the trap and then Anton is crushed by the car she was strapped to.

In the end Anton lives and is in a body cast, Molly is in love with him so you know win there. His two friends end up going to heaven and are sent back to Earth as his guardian angels.

So that’s Idle hands and honestly it fails hard and doesn’t hold up well at all. I liked it as a boy but now the movie isn’t very funny and isn’t very scary. Only one thing makes this movie worth your time.


Stay Scared my friends

The Lord shall return.

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