In Memorium: Satoru Iwata

The gaming world was saddened on Sunday as we learned of the passing of Nintendo President Satoru Iwata.  The community and the industry have shown an outpouring of emotion and respect for Mr. Iwata.  Tributes have appeared on nearly all gaming news sources, showing how he was almost universally respected.

I am no great word smith.  I know that I couldn’t hope to compete with the moving tributes others have been able to put together.  Instead, I would like to point out two quotes that have both made the rounds, but have special significance for me.

“I believe that if we don’t make moves to get people who don’t play games to understand them, then the position of video games in society will never improve. Society’s image of games will remain largely negative, including that stuff about playing games all the time badly damaging you or rotting your brain or whatever. If that happens, then even people who enjoy games will start to feel a strange guilt when they play them. If people who haven’t played games up til now start playing them, and appreciate how enjoyable they are, it is highly likely this situation will change. Society will be more accommodating towards people who play games, and it will become even easier to produce more conventional games.” – Satoru Iwata

It’s difficult to explain to someone who hasn’t experienced it the difference it makes to work for someone who has a clear vision.  When someone is leading a company with that vision, it brings everyone together around it, and infuses everyone with a sense of purpose.  This purpose fills any gaps in the mundane day to day details.  It keeps everyone looking out at the same goal, and working together.

Mr. Iwata not only had a goal, but a wonderful one: to make video games accessible to as many people as possible, and he truly succeeded.  Everything about him came across as not only a savvy businessman, and a clever designer, but a boss who cared deeply for his workers and company.  If further proof of that is needed…

“I sincerely doubt employees who fear that they may be laid off will be able to develop software titles that could impress people around the world.” – Satoru Iwata

Another wonderful quality in a boss is one who you know believes in you, and will do anything they can to support you.  This quote was in reference to why Nintendo was not downsizing when faced with financial difficulties.  Mr. Iwata took a long view, and stood by both his product, and his employees.

It may have only been a cosmic quirk, but there could not have been a more fitting time for a rainbow to appear over the Nintendo headquarters than Monday after we learned the news.

Please rest in peace, Iwata-san. You gave joy to millions, and your impact will be felt for generations.

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