VG Spoils Dragonball Ep3: The Nimbus Cloud of Roshi


The narrator gets us back up to speed as we find Bulma and Goku heading toward the sea with their wayward turtle. Bulma of course is still very angry they have to put the search for the Dragonballs on hold. Goku on the other hand is remaining positive believing that if you do good things good things will come to you.

hqdefaultThe journey is blocked however by a very large humanoid bear, which we the viewer know have been following the group since they left their capsule house.

Bulma is ready to hand over the turtle to this monster wanting to wash her hands of this whole ordeal. Goku however sees this bear as a bully and decides if he wants a fight Goku is more than willing to oblige him. This is not a fight Goku basically just dodges the bear for a few seconds and delivers the death blow right between his eyes.

Just after the fight Goku begins to wonder if turtle meat taste good seeing as the bear was willing to die to eat him. The turtle freaks out at this telling Goku that turtle not only taste bad but is incredibly tought and hard on your stomach which Goku accepts as fact and the group moves on.

When they reach the shore Goku is amazed by the sight as he has never seen an ocean before and Bulma does seem happy as Goku frolics in the waves. The turtle bids them farewell but ask that they stay on the beach as he will return with a gift for helping him. The scenes ends with a very funny moment when Goku gets his first taste of saltwater.

We then turn to Pilaf and we find that he does have a nation of people who are enslaved by him meaning I was wrong in episode 1 when I assumed he had no subjects. My mistake and I’m sorry it’s been a while since I’ve seen these and in that episode it appeared he was alone.

Shu and Mai return to report their failures to their Emperor. Logically he is extremely angry with them however before he can do any harm to them he gets a phone call telling him a hermit named Roshi has a Dragonball and he sends them to find it at once. He stops them at once deciding they have failed twice so he needs to go himself with them. This is the first time Pilaf involved himself personally with a mission in the series.

Back on the beach Bulma is beginning to think they have been had when Goku sees the turtle returning with someone on his back. This is master Roshi and we are going to be talking about him for a long long time.


This as you may have figured out is the same hermit Pilaf and his crew just went to find. Anyway he offers Goku the reward of his magic carpet. However it turns out the carpet is at the cleaners so as a secondary gifts he offers Goku the flying nimbus.

The flying nimbus is literally a cloud that will allow you to ride it if you are pure of heart. In other translations it is simply one of good morals will be allowed to ride it. Goku of course tries to eat it assuming it to be candy.

Roshi attempts to ride the cloud but he sinks right through it. The reason why he can’t will become clear as we go forward. Now Goku of course can ride it as he is as lawful good as you get.

maxresdefaultBack with our villains they hunt for the island of Roshi and once they find it they land nearby. This leads to them trying to find a way in with Pilaf breaking out his universal key. However it fails him leaving him very sad. This is when Mai informs him the window had been up the entire time and her and Shu just snuck in. See what I’m talking about with these guys being comic relief.

indexWe return to the beach with Goku who is flying high on his cloud having the time of his life. This is where Bulma decides she should have a gift as well however the turtle tells Roshi she did nothing to help him and actually offered him up for a snack to the bear. Roshi thinks this over decides he will give her something but only if she gives him something. Roshi wants a peak of her undies.

The turtle is very angry at this telling Roshi that goes against his code muttering that he now knows why he couldn’t ride his cloud. Roshi yells at him to mind his business. Bulma thinks it over and decides if he gave Goku a magic cloud who knows what he might give her so she lifts her night shirt.

Now if you remember from last time Goku removed her underwear in the night so yeah you can see where this is going. Roshi’s nose gushes blood depending on your version and this is a common trope in all anime when a male character sees a naked woman.

Roshi is thinking of what to give her when she sees the Dragonball around his neck. She begs for it and snatches it from around his neck calling Goku over to celebrate the fact that they now have four of the dragonballs.

Roshi however is hesitant to give the ball away. Bulma flashes him a few more time to seal the deal and he tells her to go before he bleeds out and they ride off back to their capsule house as Roshi mutters to himself that he’s lucky he has his staff and sandles left. es his nose to bleed a famous trope in anime he then begins to think of what gift to give her when she sees the dragonball around his neck.

Bulma_eyes_all_blueBulma makes a shocking discovery when they return home. Her underwear is on the floor. Goku cheerfully explains he took them off when he tried to lay on her golden pillow.

Side bar here in Japan that is a thing where younger boys would lay with their heads place on the balls of their older guardian. Yes I know to us this seems weird but it’s not a sexual thing it’s simple a trust usually between people and their children or grand children.

As you might have assumed Bulma is insanely pissed and unloads on Goku with a machine gun. Goku as naive as ever doesn’t realize why she is angry but seeing as he is bulletproof he is merely in pain not dead.

Back at Roshi’s house we see the villains have torn his house apart now very angry they can not find the Dragonball. Roshi returns asking why these people are in his home asking for his dragonball. He calmly explains that he just gave the ball away. This is where the villains learn our heroes are seeking the dragonballs just like they are. As they bid Roshi farewell he pokes a whole in their hull which of course makes them begin to sink

Bulma packs the house and the two heroes get ready to leave however we find out Bulma can’t ride the nimbus either which Goku finds to be very funny.

And so we end with our heroes riding off toward adventure as our villains sink

This was a good episode it introduced Master Roshi who will be a major player throughout all three series. It also begins the arc of Pilaf and his clue against our heroes.

See you next time on VG Spoils Dragonball

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