Tag Archives: video games

Point Streak Podcast: Games as Art

Point Streak is here to elevate the discourse, and you can’t get much more highbrow than a discussion of art.  Games being thought of as art would have been unbelievable at one time, but can anyone deny that some have now achieved

BTL Radio Podcast: Whales and Dealing with Them

As you may know, free to play games live or die based on whales.  Whales are, of course, the big spending customers that free to play games often rely on to keep the enterprise solvent.  Not long ago, Brandon Sheffield

Behind the Line: Variety = Censorship?


Ok, this is something that people get worked up about, so please at least stick with me to the end of the paragraph.  The latest “Tropes vs. Women in Video Games” episode came out: “All the Slender Ladies: Body Diversity

Behind the Line: No Man’s Sky High Hype


At long last, No Man’s Sky is upon us, and it has been met with wildly differing reactions.  The center of the bell-curve, though, is a resounding “meh”. I am a little confused, myself, about what people were expecting.  Don’t

BTL Radio Podcast: Publishers and Developers

Publishers and developers are perceived very differently by the public.  Developers are  often seen as the artists, the go-getters, the scrappy team trying to bring you their vision and being held down by the money grubbing tycoons at the publisher. 

Behind the Line: Visibility (Brigador Pt. 2)


Last time, we spoke a bit about value with video games, using Brigador as an example.  This week, I want to talk about visibility. Target Audience Whenever a developer is working on a game, one of the first questions has

BTL Radio Podcast: Pokemon Go, origin and trajectory.

Pokemon Go has been taking the world by storm!  Seemingly coming from nowhere, it’s now bringing people together in new and unexpected ways.  But it didn’t actually come from nowhere.  Today, we welcome Alex to the show.  A long time

Behind the Line: Value (Brigador Pt. 1)


Why are some video games valued at $60 when others are $20, or $1?  The classical definition of value in a market is the balance between supply and demand.  If something is rare, it has more value.  If it is

BTL Radio Podcast: Narrative in Games

Today it’s a super sized edition of Behind the Line Radio.  Bill joins us to discuss narrative styles in video games.  In the time since his last appearance, he had become more and more upset about “The Beginner’s Guide”, so

Behind the Line: Pokemon Go and alternative gameplay


Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about or played Pokemon Go.  I’d show you a chart of its first week of downloads, but, no joke, it’s just a straight line at #1.  Even I, who have